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Research LibGuide

SWSLHD Allied Health Research

Allied Health Research Contacts

Do you have an idea for a research project but not sure where to start? Do you have questions about a research project you're working on? Are you needing research training in a specific area?  Are you interested in co-supervising an allied health student on an honours project?   SWSLHD has a team of experienced allied health researchers available to support you and develop your research skills. Contact us via email to make an appointment--we are here to help.  

Image result for Sarah Dennis usyd
Conjoint Professor Allied Health Sarah Dennis - SWSLHD, The University of Sydney, and Ingham Institute ( Conjoint Associate Professor Allied Health Elise Baker - SWSLHD, Western Sydney University, and Ingham Institute (


Dr Caitlin McMaster - SWSLHD, University of Sydney and Ingham Institute (