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Research LibGuide

Plan your research

Before you start to conduct the research, you need to plan your research and consider the processes involved, e.g. how your are managing the research data, which tools you will use, how you will storage the data, how you will de-identify patients data, if ethics approval is required. 

Ethics approval

The SWSLHD Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) is an accredited Lead HREC and therefore can review ethics applications for for research to be undertaken within any NSW Health public health organisation and participating Victorian and Queensland public health organisations for Clinical Trial of Drugs/Devices studies. 

Research Data Management

Effective data management is an important part of ensuring open access to publicly funded research data. Data management planning from the beginning of a research project helps to outline how data will be collected, formatted, described, stored and shared throughout, and beyond, the project lifecycle (Australian Research Council, 2022).

What are Data Management Plans? 

The Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC) defines a data management plan as "a living document for a research project, which outlines data creation, data policies, access and ownership rules, management practices, management facilities and equipment, and who will be responsible for what. 

How-to-guides for creating Data Management Plans 

Ten Simple Rules for Creating a Good Data Management Plan, by William K. Michener

How to Develop a Data Management and Sharing Plan, Digital Curation Centre (DCC).  

On the ARDC's resources for researchers pages provides information on finding datasets, accessing digital tools and services, and best-practice guides and skill-building materials. 


Data Storage 

  • CloudStor: for the research and education sector hosted on the AARNet network within Australia
  • Nectar Cloud: Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC) Nectar Research Cloud enables researchers within Australia to store, access and analyse research data.
  • South Western Sydney LHD REDCap: for short term data storage

The following resources outline the various roles and responsibilities around Research Data Management in Australia. 

  • Australia Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research  
  • Data involving Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples has many legal and ethical considerations and needs to be managed and shared with care (ARDC, 2024)
  • Good Data Practices (ARDC, 2024) researchers and institutions can meet obligations to funders, improve the efficiency of research, and ensure data is findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable (FAIR). 


Books on Research and Research Methods