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Radiology LibGuide

Radiology Journals - General

Below are some relevant Radiology journals. They are available to all SWSLHD staff.

Radiology Journals - Fairfield Hospital staff only

These Radiology journals are available to Fairfield Hospital staff only. You will need to use your Athens login to access them. To register for an account, use the Library Athens Registration Form.

If you are not a Fairfield Hospital staff member, please request full text articles from these journals via your CLIN Library's Document Delivery Service.

Radiology Journals - Liverpool Hospital staff only

These Radiology journals are available online to Liverpool Hospital staff only. You will need to use your Athens login and password to access them. To register for an account, use the Library Athens Registration Form.

If you are not a Liverpool Hospital staff member, please request full text articles from these journals via your CLIN Library's Document Delivery Service.