Our eBook collections allow 24/7 access direct from the collection (see below) or through the Library catalogue.
Access via your Athens account, to register for an account use the Library Athens Registration Form.
These new books have been recently added to the collection in the Ken Merten Library, Liverpool Hospital and are available for borrowing (unless Reference). Interested in a specific title? Click on the title or cover image to link into the Library Catalogue and then on 'Reserve' We will then find the book and you will be emailed when it is available for collection.
To access the eBooks (80,000+ titles) offsite, complete an Athens registration form.
Please ask the Library staff or phone 8738 3557 for further information.
Not a member of the Library? If you are a member of staff or a student on clinical placement fill in a membership registration form
Suggestion for purchase? Fill in a Resource recommendation or contact the Library.