Library staff can assist you with:
Contact or visit your local CLIN Library to find out more about our full range of services and for assistance with your research project.
COM12180 - Online Research Profiles Management - optimising your ORCID ID
ORCID provides a persistent digital identifier that enables you to claim and promote your research output.
At the completion of the course, participants will be able to:
• Set up an ORCID account
• Affiliate ORCID
• Optimise their ORCID by linking it to other research profiles
LIB1206 Where To Publish? *NEW*
Identifying appropriate journals to approach when you are trying to publish the results of your research project can be difficult, especially for early career researchers. This practical session will help participants to be confident in their ability to choose the right journal for their publications.
At the completion of the course, participants will be able to:
*Understand factors to consider when selecting a journal to publish in
*Become familiar with journal selection tools where they can find relevant journals
*Know how journal metrics are calculated and the relevance of that to their publishing decisions
Book via EventBrite on the Library Website or via MHL (Search on course code or title) or contact your Library to arrange an appointment