Did you know that many key CIAP tools have a mobile app including MIMS and UpToDate? You just need to create an account with the specific tool (while on a Hospital PC), download the app onto your personal device from your App Store and login with your account. See CIAP Mobile Apps for more information (Use your staffID to login if on a personal device)
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It is essential that nurses are competent in the administration of medications as otherwise patients are put at risk of serious harm. There are many resources to help new nurses develop their competences and deliver the medications people need safely.
Current SWSLHD Policy, Procedures & Guidelines can be found on the Intranet - for internal access only.
See for example:
The Medications tab in CIAP gives access to important resources including the Australian Medicines Handbook, MIMS and Micromedex, the AMH Aged Care and Children's Dosing Companions, the Injectable Medicines Handbook and the Paediatric Injectable Medicines Handbook, NatMed Pro (Natural Medicines) and the Therapeutic Guidelines.
In the CIAP Tools tab you will find a number of calculators which help with medications.
Medication errors can be caused by various factors. Here are a few articles to get you thinking:
Eassey, D., Smith, L., Krass, I., McLAchlan, A., Brien, J. A. (2016). Consumer perspectives of medication-related problems following discharge from hospital in Australia: a quantitative study. International Journal for Quality in Health Care. 28(3), 391-7.
Link to full-text
Wagner, E. A., Fuhrmann, S., Brant, A., VanCamp, C., Dettore, J., Guzman, Y. (2020). Interruptions then and now: impact on nurses' clinical reasoning, emotions, and medication safety. Journal for Nurses in Professional Development, 36(6), 338-344. https://dx.doi.org/10.1097/NND.0000000000000667
Link to full-text
Williams, G & Halstead, A (2023). Reducing missed medications in surgical patients. British Journal of Nursing. 32(15);730-734
Link to full-text
Wright, K. M., & Bonser, M. (2020). The Essential Steps of Medication Administration Practices Project medication administration improvement practices among acute inpatients in a tertiary hospital: a best practice implementation project. JBI evidence implementation, 18(4), 408–419. https://doi.org/10.1097/XEB.0000000000000236
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