The Education Centre at Bankstown Hospital is on Level 4, and consists of the Auditorium, Conference Rooms 1 to 4, and the Computer training room. To check the capacity and equipment of each room, please refer to our room booking page on the SWSLHD website.
Rooms need to be booked well in advance, as the rooms are in heavy demand. You can book in person at the Library's circulation desk, or via our online form. Please note: your booking is not confirmed until you receive a confirmation email from the Library.
1. Go to
2. Read the information about the rooms and pick the room that is the right capacity for your group.
3. Click on the ONLINE BOOKING FORM and fill out your details.
4. Don't forget to add your name and contact details so we can confirm your booking.
5. Please add the correct name of your meeting. This will help people find the right meeting.
6. Please indicate on the form if you need access to TEAMS or other videoconferencing facilities. Our VC facilities are limited to three rooms, and are heavily used. Book early to avoid disappointment.
7. Hit the SEND button.
The Clinical Library will reply to your request within three working days. No bookings are finalized until you receive a confirmation email from the Library.
PLEASE NOTE: room bookings may be cancelled at short notice if space is required for Guardianship Tribunal Hearings, or by the General Manager or Hospital Executive.
The Education Centre rooms are heavily used. If you do not need the room you've booked, please cancel the booking via our online form.
At the bottom of the booking form is a section for cancellations. Please fill out the cancellation section and press SEND.